Lyvv China Doll redux and replenished items

The recent show in London presented the opportunity to replenish the stock of many physical items here in London, so the ‘sold out’ sign has been removed repeatedly today. Explore here:

There is also a small increase in the edition of ‘Heksescapes’ as many people missed it for purely geographical reasons ( it was gone before the Pacific West Coast woke up!). More announcements to come very soon!

Lyvv China Doll 2024 Redux
“Lyvv China Doll” started life as an elaborate but very elusive cassette release from The Dots’ TEKA label- it was half live material and half comprised of bits and pieces that needed a home. Later it became a cd for the Staalplaat label and the live side was dropped while more bits and pieces came into view. This remaster brings the two releases together.

Bandcamp Friday- May 2024

Today sees the last Bandcamp Friday for a few months and the announcement of a physical release that has been quietly worked upon for some time.

TLPD- 40 Angels (The Archive)

The only previous physical release of the mammoth ‘40 Angels‘ project was an ill fated DVD-A. Around 50 were made and sent, but the pandemic meant some just never landed and those that did sometimes wouldn’t play on standard DVD players.
The new format is a 4 x CD-R set , all handmade, tastefully packaged and rather beautiful. A single copy takes quite a while to prepare so it’s necessarily limited – it can be found HERE.

Edward Ka-Spel- Heksescapes

There’s also a new release for Spring from yours truly entitled ‘Heksescapes‘ which can be found here:

Edward Ka-Spel- Tales from the Trenches

A few more copies of ‘Tales from the Trenches‘ vinyl have also been posted now we have them in stock.

Outside of these projects, lots of writing and recording is going on for the forthcoming Pink Dots’ album and we’re excited! More news to come soon. Love’n’peace ….

Remastered Scriptures and Fragments

For all who perhaps missed this a few days ago, The Scriptures of Illumina (Edward Ka-Spel) from 1995 has been remastered and the sonic improvement is seismic.

This download is available on EK’s and TLPD’s Bandcamp pages.

Fragments of Illumina is just short of 20 years old by now so it felt like a good moment to revisit this old chestnut and give it some serious sonic enhancement as well as a new cover.

Available as a download and a limited edition CD-R of 69 copies, you can find this album on both EK’s and TLPD’s Bandcamp pages.


Dustbombers show at Fanshop Reeperbahn

Pink Dots’ guitarist Erik Drost is super excited! This Saturday, we’re bringing our noisewave to the Reeperbahn! (Not the Pink Dots, but there’s a connection somehow)

Next Saturday we invite you to the fanshop Kultur Vol.89: D U S T B O M B E R S

Dustbombers ist ein Post-Punk-Duo aus Arnhem/Nijmegen, bekannt für ihren dunklen, harten Sound, der mit einer Dosis Lärm und einem Rand von Psychedelik gefüllt ist. Die Band, die ursprünglich als eine Noise-Rock-Band begann, wurde durch Gruppen wie Big Black, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry und Distorted Pony beeinflusst und im Jahr 2012 von Joost Reijnders und Erik Drost gegründet. Sie zeichnen sich durch ihre Vorliebe für düstere Texte, Fuzz-Gitarre und Bass aus, wobei die Dystopie immer eine Bedrohung darstellt.
Los geht’s um 20 Uhr

Dustbombers are a post-punk duo from Arnhem/Nijmegen, known for their dark, hard sound that is filled with a dose of noise and an edge of psychedelic. The band, which originally started out as a noise rock band, was influenced by groups such as Big Black, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry and Distorted Pony and was formed in 2012 by Joost Reijnders and Erik Drost. They are characterized by their penchant for dark lyrics, fuzz guitar and bass, with dystopia always posing a threat.
We start at 8 pm @fcsp_fanshop_reeperbahn

Bandcamp Friday- April 2024

For this month’s Bandcamp Friday:

It’s Springtime, it’s raining. It’s London…and the seasons just seem to blur into each other in these sadder times. Nevertheless it’s also the first ‘Bandcamp Friday’ of the season and following a number of requests, two titles which were formally just available on vinyl are now being issued as very limited handmade CDR editions .

An expanded version of O Darkness, O Darkness as a CD-R, limited edition of 69 copies

And The Concrete Diaries as a CD-R, limited edition of 99

You can find these on the Bandcamp pages of both Edward Ka-Spel and The Legendary Pink Dots.

Bandcamp Friday- March 2024

The first day of March, the first day of Spring (perhaps) and Bandcamp Friday all rolled into one. For the Pink Dots it’s a quieter occasion than usual but I have cleaned up a pair of past live shows, wildly different in atmosphere and quality from 1994 and 2009 respectively. Both are audience recordings from Frankfurt at the notorious Negativ club, truly a place that lived down to its name, and the impressive Ikra venue in Moscow. Even so, there is also a special new release featuring fellow Pink Dots Randall and Erik, namely “I’m not supposed to be here” by Orbit Service.

Negativ ’94

Ikra ’09

i’m not supposed to be here


…And in the ongoing mission to gather all solo releases in one place with enhanced quality, today’s additions are the uncanny ‘Spectrescapes’ Volumes 2 & 3. Number 3 boasts a new cover too!

Spectrescapes 2 (2024 remaster)

Spectrescapes 3 (2024 remaster)